Specialist Hydrographic Surveyors |
The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is an extremely flexible instrument. It can be deployed as part of a conventional oceanographic mooring to record time series of the current profile or used as a direct reading instrument to investigate the spatial variability of currents in an area. Typically this is used to collect transect data across rivers for model validation although the technique is equally valid offshore to assist in the preparation of Tidal Atlas plots or to replace conventional current profiling at sites where a number of profiles are required over a small area. The ADCP can also be used to measure the level of suspended sediment in the water column, a typical application would be to monitor the movement of dredge spoil. Return to Oceanographic Survey Data To request a call for further information click here. |
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Clydeside Surveys Limited, Dunsyston, West Glen Gardens, Kilmacolm,
Renfrewshire, PA13 4PX
Telephone 0845 00 66 211